

(在线LC App)


重要的是: For fall 2024 applicants, the 2024 - 2025年FAFSA is now open, but the US Department of Education is still working through an historic delay in the transmission of 金融援助 data to 大学 and universities. 一些功能, 比如学生更新错误提交的fafsa的能力, are not yet available. 我们鼓励2024年秋季申请者在以下地点完成FAFSA studentaid.政府, and we invite families to connect at any time about the many resources available to 学生 and families to afford an LC education.

具有里程碑意义的大学 joins the many 大学 and universities who will observe the national College Decision Day on June 1, 2024. We will continue to admit 学生 and package 金融援助 on a rolling basis, and hope this extension offers some reassurance to 学生 and families who have experienced frustration and uncertainty with the US Department of Education’s delays.





  • Bachelor’s Degree, Associate Degree, 桥的经验, Transition at College (TaC)

    Application Dates and Deadlines

    具有里程碑意义的大学 follows a rolling 亚洲博彩平台排名 process; however, we recommend applicants submit their documentation within the timeframe below to be considered for specific programs, 金融援助, 住房, 和课程. This also will assist 学生 and families in making the necessary timely arrangements prior to the start of classes.


    Priority Application Deadlines

    秋季学期 | 1st-Year Students
    秋季学期 | 转学



    3 - 5周







    Application Checklists


    The following materials are required of first-year applicants to 具有里程碑意义的大学:

    • A completed Application for Admission.
    • 申请费$75, payable to 具有里程碑意义的大学.
    • 正式的高中成绩单或标准文凭或GED的复印件. Your official transcript should be complete through seven semesters or the semester most recently completed and include any 夏天 school or college work. Your official final transcript and proof of 高中 completion are required prior to enrollment. 在家接受教育 学生 should submit supporting documentation of curriculum and certification. Note: IEP diplomas are rarely accepted.
    • 诊断 of a learning disability, 注意力缺陷多动症, or 自闭症 made or confirmed within last 3 years by a professional. 诊断 Alternative: If you do not have a diagnosis, 或者从未被诊断出有学习或注意力障碍, please submit a response to the following statement: “Please describe your history of academic challenges and identify the support services you have used/received to manage these struggles.”
    • Psycho-Educational Testing administered within three years of applying, including:
      • 认知测试
        A series of standardized tests used to evaluate the cognitive and intellectual abilities of the student. Complete score—including sub-tests—are required to provide a comprehensive understanding of the applicant. Please submit one of the following:
        • WAIS: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
        • 韦氏儿童智力量表
        • WJ Cog: Woodcock Johnson Cognitive Scale
      • Reading Achievement Testing
        This provides a three-dimensional picture of the applicant’s 阅读 abilities, measuring vocabulary development, 阅读, 理解, 阅读速度. Please submit one of the following:
        • WIAT: Wechsler Individual Achievement Test
        • 成就:伍德考克·约翰逊成就测验
        • Nelson Denny Reading Test
        • GORT: Gray Oral Reading Test
      • 测试选择
        If you do not have testing documentation, please submit a response to the following statement: “Please describe your history of academic challenges and identify the support service you have used/received to manage these struggles.”
    • Letter of recommendation from a teacher who knows you well. You may submit additional recommendations.
    • 面试 (in person, phone, or virtually)
    • 个人陈述 (推荐)
    • SAT或ACT分数 (可选)
    • 投资组合 (可选)
    • 必要时可要求提供其他文件或澄清.

    (在线LC App)


    The following materials are required of transfer applicants to 具有里程碑意义的大学:

    • A completed Application for Admission.
    • 申请费$75, payable to 具有里程碑意义的大学
    • 正式的高中最终成绩单或标准文凭或GED的复印件.
    • 正式的大学成绩单,显示到目前为止所有的大学学习情况. 转学学分的评估需要官方成绩单.
    • 诊断 of a learning disability, 注意力缺陷多动症, or 自闭症 made or confirmed within last 3 years by a professional. 诊断 Alternative: If you do not have a diagnosis, 或者从未被诊断出有学习或注意力障碍, please submit a response to the following statement: “Please describe your history of academic challenges and identify the support services you have used/received to manage these struggles.”
    • Psycho-Educational Testing administered within three years of applying, including:
      • 认知测试
        A series of standardized tests used to evaluate the cognitive and intellectual abilities of the student. Complete scores—including sub-tests—are required to provide a comprehensive understanding of the applicant. Please submit one of the following:
        • WAIS: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
        • 韦氏儿童智力量表
        • WJ Cog: Woodcock Johnson Cognitive Scale
      • Reading Achievement Testing
        This provides a three-dimensional picture of the applicant’s 阅读 abilities, measuring vocabulary development, 阅读, 理解, 阅读速度. Please submit one of the following:
        • WIAT: Wechsler Individual Achievement Test
        • 成就:伍德考克·约翰逊成就测验
        • Nelson Denny Reading Test
        • GORT: Gray Oral Reading Test
      • 测试选择
        If you do not have testing documentation, please submit a response to the following statement: “Please describe your history of academic challenges and identify the support services you have used/received to manage these struggles.”
    • Letter of recommendation from a teacher who knows you well. You may submit additional recommendations.
    • 面试 (in person, phone, or virtually)
    • 个人陈述 (推荐)
    • SAT或ACT分数 (可选)
    • 投资组合 (可选)



    The following materials are required of international applicants to 具有里程碑意义的大学, and should be submitted in English:

    • A completed Application for Admission. 
    • 申请费$75, payable to 具有里程碑意义的大学.
    • 诊断 of a learning disability, 注意力缺陷多动症, or 自闭症 made or confirmed within last 3 years by a professional. 诊断 Alternative: If you do not have a diagnosis, 或者从未被诊断出有学习或注意力障碍, please submit a response to the following statement: “Please describe your history of academic challenges and identify the support services you have used/received to manage these struggles.”
    • Psycho-Educational Testing administered within three years of applying, including:
      • 认知测试
        A series of standardized tests used to evaluate the cognitive and intellectual abilities of the student. Complete scores—including sub-tests—are required to provide a comprehensive understanding of the applicant. Please submit one of the following:
        • WAIS: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
        • 韦氏儿童智力量表
        • WJ Cog: Woodcock Johnson Cognitive Scale
      • Reading Achievement Testing 
        This provides a three-dimensional picture of the applicant’s 阅读 abilities, measuring vocabulary development, 阅读, 理解, 阅读速度. Please submit one of the following:
        • WIAT: Wechsler Individual Achievement Test
        • 成就:伍德考克·约翰逊成就测验
        • Nelson Denny Reading Test
        • GORT: Gray Oral Reading Test
      • 测试选择
        If you do not have testing documentation, please submit a response to the following statement: “Please describe your history of academic challenges and identify the support services you have used/received to manage these struggles.”
    • Letter of recommendation from a teacher who knows you well. You may submit additional recommendations.
    • 面试 (in person, phone, or virtual)
    • 个人陈述 (推荐)
    • SAT或ACT分数 (可选)
    • Proof of English proficiency. 如果英语不是你的第一语言,你必须提交以下其中一项:
      • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL[c]): Minimum score of 525 (paper-based), 197(电脑), or 71 (internet-based). The TOEFL code for 具有里程碑意义的大学 is 1537.
      • 国际英语语言测试系统(ielts):最低6分.0.
        NOTE: If your academic program is taught in English, the English proficiency test may be waived.
    • Completed, signed and notarized Declaration and Certification of Financial Support and Account Verification forms. These forms certify you have adequate financial resources to pay at least one year of study at 具有里程碑意义的大学.
    • Official final 高中 transcript,加盖院校印章或公章(英文)
    • Official college transcript(s),加盖院校印章或公章(英文)
    • 投资组合 (可选)

    国际 学生 with questions about 具有里程碑意义的大学’s international process are invited to contact us by phone at +1 802-387-6718 or email (电子邮件保护).



    经常, 学生 who have left 具有里程碑意义的大学 before graduating (either with an associate or a bachelor’s degree) decide they need to return for a class in the 夏天, 一个学期, or to complete their degree. Re-enrollment requirements depend, to some extent, on the circumstances of the departure.

    如果你已经离开一学期或更长时间, please work through the Office of 亚洲博彩平台排名 (not your former academic advisor or any other office). You will need to meet the following requirements to request re-enrollment for a future semester:

    • 在你离开地标学院的那段时间里, it is expected that your time was spent constructively occupied and that you maintained a satisfactory standard of conduct. 在所有情况下, re-enrollment will require a personal statement outlining why you are requesting re-enrollment and how you have occupied your time while away from campus. You will also need to include transcripts from any educational institution you attended while away from 具有里程碑意义的大学.
    • Other factors that will be taken into consideration in the re-enrollment process:
      • 如果你在贫穷中离开 学术地位, you may be placed on Academic Probation for a period of at least one semester.
      • 如果你退出 medical reasons or for reasons of safety, then you must obtain a recommendation from a clinical practitioner who is qualified to assess your current state of physical and/or mental health and can state that you are ready to re-engage in a residential college and the rigors of a course of academic study.
      • 如果你是 suspended from the College,你必须提供停学通知书所要求的所有文件.
      • 如果你离开时 pending disciplinary charges, you will be required to address those matters with the student conduct office before re-enrollment can be completed.

    While the majority of 学生 who apply for re-enrollment do return to 具有里程碑意义的大学, 不保证任何申请人重新入学. 

    要启动重新注册流程,请完成 Online Re-Enrollment Request form. 一旦收到,申请将由地标学院进行审查. 在大多数情况下,将在10天内作出答复. Please direct further question to:

    Director of 亚洲博彩平台排名


    The following materials are required of homeschooled applicants to 具有里程碑意义的大学:

    • A completed Application for Admission.
    • 申请费$75, payable to 具有里程碑意义的大学.
    • 正式的高中成绩单或标准文凭或GED的复印件. Your official transcript should be complete through seven semesters or the semester most recently completed and include any 夏天 school or college work. Your official final transcript and proof of 高中 completion are required prior to enrollment. 在家接受教育 学生 should submit supporting documentation of curriculum and certification. Note: IEP diplomas are rarely accepted.
    • 诊断 of a learning disability, 注意力缺陷多动症, or 自闭症 made or confirmed within last 3 years by a professional. 诊断 Alternative: If you do not have a diagnosis, 或者从未被诊断出有学习或注意力障碍, please submit a response to the following statement: “Please describe your history of academic challenges and identify the support services you have used/received to manage these struggles.”
    • Psycho-Educational Testing administered within three years of applying, including:
      • 认知测试
        A series of standardized tests used to evaluate the cognitive and intellectual abilities of the student. Complete scores—including sub-tests—are required to provide a comprehensive understanding of the applicant. Please submit one of the following:
        • WAIS: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
        • 韦氏儿童智力量表
        • WJ Cog: Woodcock Johnson Cognitive Scale
      • Reading Achievement Testing
        This provides a three-dimensional picture of the applicant’s 阅读 abilities, measuring vocabulary development, 阅读, 理解, 阅读速度. Please submit one of the following:
        • WIAT: Wechsler Individual Achievement Test
        • 成就:伍德考克·约翰逊成就测验
        • Nelson Denny Reading Test
        • GORT: Gray Oral Reading Test
        • 测试替代方案:如果您没有测试文档, please submit a response to the following statement: “Please describe your history of academic challenges and identify the support services you have used/received to manage these struggles.”
      • 测试选择
        If you do not have testing documentation, please submit a response to the following statement: “Please describe your history of academic challenges and identify the support service you have used/received to manage these struggles.”
    • Letter of recommendation from a teacher who knows you well. You may submit additional recommendations.
    • 面试 (in person, phone, or virtual)
    • 个人陈述 (推荐)
    • SAT或ACT分数 (可选)
    • 投资组合 of work indicative of your academic abilities so we can evaluate college readiness. 投资组合s may include:
      • Coursework, grades, and/or transcripts from classes taken at educational institutions
      • AP或SAT成绩
      • 合格导师或老师的推荐信
      • 工作的例子:
        • Independent re搜索 projects
        • Evidence of completed units in history, math, science, and other academic subject areas
        • Descriptions of books and other curricular materials used in your 高中-level education experience
      • To submit portfolio materials, please email (电子邮件保护) 请示.



    We make every effort to make a 具有里程碑意义的大学 education an affordable reality for 学生 and their families. 值得注意的是,具有里程碑意义的大学的总学费, when 金融援助 is factored in, is often comparable to other 大学 and universities who charge extra for LD services. Financial aid is awarded on a rolling basis. Our 金融援助 packages typically consist of a mix of state and federal grants and loans, as well as college scholarship support. Some families may qualify for a Medical Tax Deduction, which is unique to 具有里程碑意义的大学.

    对经济援助感兴趣的学生和家庭应填写 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)表格从教育部. This is the only application that is required for awarding both federal grant aid as well as 具有里程碑意义的大学 need-based scholarships. We encourage families interested in receiving financial assistance to complete the 金融援助 process,再加上你的申请,尽快.

    国际学生有资格获得基于成绩的经济援助, 并且奖励标准与美国的标准相同.S. 学生. 无论你来自哪里,我们都很高兴你加入我们的社区!

  • 具有里程碑意义的大学 follows a rolling 亚洲博彩平台排名 process; however, we recommend applicants submit their documentation within the timeframe below to be considered for 金融援助, and for 学生 and families to make the necessary arrangements prior to the start of classes.


    Priority December 1 application deadline


    5月1日 Application deadline



    Application Checklists


    Online Dual Enrollment
    Putney, VT 05346, USA.


    Dual Enrollment 金融援助

    Need-based Online Dual Enrollment scholarship opportunities are available per the gracious support of the Clara Freshour Nelson Foundation. 申请课程奖学金时,请附上此材料 金融援助 Application 表格连同课程申请表一并递交至 (电子邮件保护). Dual Enrollment scholarships are limited and applicants should consider applying as soon as possible. 应用程序 are awarded on a rolling basis. 我们鼓励家庭和学校申请. For more information, please visit the 奖学金的页面.


    对这条路感兴趣的学生应该先发邮件 (电子邮件保护) 了解您是否符合在线注册的资格. 然后,按照所有学生都需要的标准申请流程进行.


    • A completed Application for Admission.
    • 申请费$75, payable to 具有里程碑意义的大学.
    • 正式的高中成绩单或标准文凭或GED的复印件. Your official transcript should be complete through the semester most recently completed and include any 夏天 school or college work.
    • 诊断 of a learning disability, 注意力缺陷多动症, or 自闭症 made or confirmed within last 3 years by a professional. If you do not have a diagnosis, 或者从未被诊断出有学习或注意力障碍, please submit a response to the following statement: “Please describe your history of academic challenges and identify the support services you have used/received to manage these struggles.”
    • Psycho-Educational Testing administered within three years of applying, including:
      • 认知测试
        A series of standardized tests used to evaluate the cognitive and intellectual abilities of the student. Complete scores—including sub-tests—are required to provide a comprehensive understanding of the applicant. Please submit one of the following:
        • WAIS: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
        • 韦氏儿童智力量表
        • WJ Cog: Woodcock Johnson Cognitive Scale
      • Reading Achievement Testing
        This provides a three-dimensional picture of the applicant’s 阅读 abilities, measuring vocabulary development, 阅读, 理解, 阅读速度. Please submit one of the following:
        • WIAT: Wechsler Individual Achievement Test
        • 成就:伍德考克·约翰逊成就测验
        • Nelson Denny Reading Test
        • GORT: Gray Oral Reading Test
      • 测试选择
        If you do not have testing documentation, please submit a response to the following statement: “Please describe your history of academic challenges and identify the support services you have used/received to manage these struggles.”
    • Letter of recommendation from a teacher who knows you well. You may submit additional recommendations.
    • 面试 conducted preferably in person. 如有需要,可安排电话或视频面试.
    • 个人陈述 (可选)
    • SAT或ACT分数 (可选)
    • Additional: 必要时可要求提供其他文件或澄清.


    州,联邦和机构的财政援助是可用的. 访问我们的 学费 and 金融援助 page for more information.

  • 应用程序 是滚动的,直到项目全部注册. 入学人数是有限的,以给予最大的关注和支持, and early applications are encouraged. Note: A diagnosed learning disability is not required for admission to any 具有里程碑意义的大学 夏天 program.

    Application Checklists



    • Completed and signed application
    • 申请费$25
    • High school transcripts (all work to date)
    • Two educational recommendations
    • 父母声明
    • Course selection form. 看到 具有里程碑意义的.edu/夏天.
    • 可选:心理教育测试,最近的IEP或状态测试

    经济援助是可用的,并考虑先到先得的基础上. We encourage you to apply early. Contact the Office of Short-Term Programs at (电子邮件保护) or call 802-387-6885 with questions.




    • Completed and signed application
    • 申请费$25
    • High school transcripts (all work to date)
    • 四年制学院或大学的录取通知书
    • ACT or SAT scores (if available)
    • 可选:心理教育测试,最近的IEP或状态测试

    经济援助是可用的,并考虑先到先得的基础上. We encourage you to apply early. Contact the Office of Short-Term Programs at (电子邮件保护) or call 802-387-6885 with questions.


    • Completed and signed application
    • 申请费$25
    • Final 高中 transcript
    • College transcript(s) (all work to date)
    • One educational recommendation
    • ACT or SAT scores (if available)
    • Course preference form. 看到 具有里程碑意义的.edu/夏天.
    • Recommended: Psycho-educational testing for 学生 considering 具有里程碑意义的大学 for the fall semester.

    经济援助是可用的,并考虑先到先得的基础上. We encourage you to apply early. Contact the Office of Short-Term Programs at (电子邮件保护) or call 802-387-6885 with questions.


    • Completed and signed application
    • 申请费$25
    • High school transcripts (all work to date)
    • College transcripts (all work to date)
    • ACT or SAT scores (if available)

    经济援助是可用的,并考虑先到先得的基础上. We encourage you to apply early. Contact the Office of Short-Term Programs at (电子邮件保护) or call 802-387-6885 with questions.


  • Fully integrated within our campus, the 具有里程碑意义的大学 Institute for 研究 and 培训 (LCIRT) pioneers re搜索 and teaching strategies related to learning differences. Our re搜索 has shaped 高中 and university teaching methods around the world, improving learning outcomes for 学生 with learning differences like 难语症, executive function deficits, 注意力缺陷多动症, 和自闭症.

    订阅 到我们的每月通讯,以了解即将到来的节目. Or, contact us at +1 802-387-1662 or (电子邮件保护) 去寻找最适合你的机会.

    专业人士 who serve middle school, 高中, and college-level 学生 with learning differences in any capacity can benefit from our programs. Learn how to apply to:

    Application Checklists


    具有里程碑意义的大学’s Learning Differences and Neurodiversity (LDN) certificate is an online post-baccalaureate professional development program for educators and professionals who work with 学生 with 注意力缺陷多动症, 自闭症, 难语症, or other learning differences.

    Courses offer the convenience of online learning as well as the opportunity to interact with an engaged group of education professionals through video conferences and discussions. Choose from two tracks: Specialization in Executive Function and Specialization in Autism on Campus and Online.

    点击查看即将到来的课程和申请截止日期 在这里.



    The 夏季研究所 at 具有里程碑意义的大学 is an annual opportunity for education professionals to reboot their learning and refresh their enthusiasm for supporting 学生 who learn differently.

    Learn more about our 夏季研究所 schedule and application deadlines by clicking 在这里.


    LCIRT与数百所学校建立了合作关系, 大学, and organizations of all types around the globe to provide relevant and practical professional development opportunities that foster better classroom or workplace experiences for neurodivergent individuals.

    • 我们为您的机构带来专业发展, on the topics you want, 当你想要的时候, 以你想要的方式传递.
    • We make sure we understand your needs and expectations before designing instruction that’s right for your group.

    具有里程碑意义的大学 Institute for 研究 and 培训
    +1 802-387-1662


    Our online training programs are ideal for professionals who serve middle school, 高中, and college-level 学生 in any capacity and want to learn how to best support 学生 who learn differently. 这些在线培训旨在适应繁忙的日程安排. 每门课程大约需要10个小时, 参与者至少有5周的时间来完成培训.

    点击 在这里 to learn more about our upcoming online training opportunities, including pricing and how to apply. If you’d like to be notified when online trainings and other education forums become available, please complete this short form.


    The 具有里程碑意义的大学 Institute for 研究 & 培训 webinars provide up-to-date information and re搜索-based practices for supporting 学生 who learn differently. 他们通常是一个小时的长度,可以购买重播.

    点击 在这里 to learn more about our upcoming webinars, including pricing and registration information. If you’d like to be notified when webinars and other education opportunities become available, please complete this short form.


问题? We will be happy to help you.

大学亚洲博彩平台排名亚洲博彩平台排名的团队,电话:+1 802-387-6718或 (电子邮件保护). For international applicants, please email (电子邮件保护).

Vice President for Enrollment Management
Director of 亚洲博彩平台排名
第一年 | 转移 | 国际
USA Territories: Hawaii
Associate Director of 亚洲博彩平台排名
第一年 | 国际 | 转移
美国领土:CT, DC, DE, FL, MD, VA, WV,波多黎各
Assistant Director of 亚洲博彩平台排名
第一年 | 转移
USA Territories: KS, KY, MO, MI, NH, NY
Assistant Director of 亚洲博彩平台排名
美国领土:AL, AR, GA, LA, ME, MS, NC, OK, PA, SC, TN, TX, VT, WI
第一年 | 转移
Assistant Director of West Coast 亚洲博彩平台排名
第一年 | 转移
USA Territories: CA, NE, NV, OR, UT, WA
USA Territories: East Coast
Associate Director of 亚洲博彩平台排名
第一年 | 转移
美国领土:AK, AZ, CO, ID, IA, IL, IN, MN, NJ, OH, ND, SD, WY
Assistant Director of Recruiting and Student Athlete Specialist/Head Baseball Coach
第一年 | 转移
USA Territories: MA, RI
Assistant Director of Enrollment Management
第一年 | 返回 | 转移